Tackling your Recruiting!

  • Over 75,000 Student-Athlete Success Stories since 1982!
  • More than $2.5 Billion in Athletic Scholarships & Financial Aid!
  • 835 Division I, II, III, NAIA and JUCO Football Programs
  • Over 5,800 Registered College Football Coaches!
  • Unmatched Success Rate with Qualified, Verified, Next-Level Prospects! Up to 95% with PrepStar Elite 360 verified prospects.

National Signing Day


Football Recruiting Timeline

Success Stories

Chuck Mcdade

We started with CSA-PrepStar in the Middle of December 2006. Chuck signed on February 7th 2007, for a 100% Full Ride Scholarship with Nicholls State a Division 1-AA College in the Southland Conference! We had our pick of Colleges to choose from for his Campus Visits! All the Colleges he visited offered him 100% Full Rides. I was so very worried when we starting so late in his Senior Year. We knew we had to make some aggressive move s really fast. CSA-PrepStar changed everything for him. Within 2 weeks we started getting phone calls and e-mails! It was the most wonderful thing to see happening. That is one of the Best Tools to use on CSA-PrepStar to get your child out there and seen. This has been the greatest experience ever. I would highly recommend CSA-PrepStar and advise parents to please start in their Child's Junior Year if not sooner.

Timi Finley John
Jessie Lucier

My name is Jessie Lucier and I am currently a freshman at Harvard University. Last year CSA-PrepStar Prepstar helped me get into the college of my choice. CSA-Prepstar aided me in the recruiting process for women's pole vaulting to get the attention of a number of schools. I chose Harvard and have just finished a successful freshmen year pole vaulting on the Crimson track team. Thanks for all your assistance and I hope others that use your service are as happy as I was.

Jessie Lucier
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