Advantage In Recruiting!

  • Over 75,000 Student-Athlete Success Stories since 1982!
  • More than $2.5 Billion in Athletic Scholarships & Financial Aid!
  • 1,029 Division I, II, III, NAIA and JUCO Men's Tennis Programs
  • 1,170 Division I, II, III, NAIA and JUCO Women's Tennis Programs
  • Over 3,000 Registered College Tennis Coaches!
  • Unmatched Success Rate with Qualified, Verified, Next-Level Prospects! Up to 95% with PrepStar Elite 360 verified prospects.

National Signing Day


Tennis Recruiting Timeline

Success Stories

Britni McCaskill

We just want to thank you for the exposure you have provided our daughter through CSA. We knew she was an excellent student and a strong athlete but we did not know how to package this and present it to colleges and universities. Your program took that worry away from us. Almost immediately Britni began receiving volumes of letters and phone calls from coaches at colleges and universities across the country. We were amazed and Britni was delighted that she had so many choices. She had college scholarship offers ranging from $4,000-$32,000. We are grateful for your program and would recommend it to any parent and student athlete that is interested in continuing their sport at the collegiate level. Take it from us CSA-PrepStar is well worth the investment!

Aaron Rodgers

Over the last four years Collegiate Sports of America has been an invaluable service for me. This February it all came together when I signed my letter of intent to play at the University of California-Berkeley.

I must admit not knowing if anything would come out of this partnership at first, but my doubts were soon erased as the letters and calls began coming in.

Aaron Rodgers 2003
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