What We Do

PrepStar provides a personalized recruiting solution for each student-athlete we work with, providing our prospects with a customized recruiting program that is designed to get each athlete maximum exposure and opportunities resulting in giving the student athlete and their families options and educational choices.

The first step in the process is to create your recruiting profile in the PrepStar Prospect Clearinghouse that is used by more than 2,000 colleges and over 32,000 registered college coaches nationwide.



After you have completed your recruiting profile, you will be contacted by a PrepStar Recruiting Coach to schedule your personal Scholarship Evaluation as a college-bound student-athlete.

Once you have been verified and qualified as a PrepStar 360 Prospect, PrepStar matches your athletic profile to colleges that fit your athletic and academic abilities as well as your college competitive level and educational goals.

Your profile is then delivered to hundreds and potentially thousands of college coaches (depending on your sport) that are registered with the PrepStar Prospect Clearinghouse.

PrepStar provides college coaches with your updated athletic, academic and video highlights throughout your high school career, ensuring you that college coaches always have access to your latest and most updated information.

As a PrepStar 360 prospect, your responsibility is first and foremost to focus on your academic standing and athletic performance while in high school. Your PrepStar Recruiting Coach will focus on your college recruiting by connecting you with college programs and college coaches nationwide.

A typical PrepStar 360 prospect can expect to receive more than 100 profile views by college coaches within the first 30 days of joining our team! Many of our athletes will have received more than 1,000 profiles views by the time they sign their national letter of intent!

Because PrepStar works with only a limited number of highly qualified prospects each year per sport, our company is able to provide each and every athlete the personal attention, service and care they need to Get Recruited!

Success Stories

Griffin Garcia

Hello my name is Griffin Garcia, and I’m a senior at Steinbrenner High School; I joined Csa Prepstar with Derek Del Rosal about 3 months ago and the results have been amazing. I signed up with him on a Sunday and the very next day I had college coaches texting me. Before signing up I only had the basic showcase emails and not much serious talk from colleges, but that really did change through Derek. Just like he says he’s invested in his atheletes, he was out at my practices that ran to 10:00 pm on weekdays just to check in and take videos for colleges and many different things. There were very few fall games that I didn’t see him up in the stands taking videos or on the phone with different colleges. Everyone is at a different skill level, therefor obviously he can’t guarantee that everyone will get to a school but I can testify for my relationship with him and what he did for me, and I went from having no serious college interest, to recently committing to Flagler college and he’s a huge reason why. He truly is dedicated to his athletes and has a lot of connections to different schools, from my time with him I believe it was worth the time, effort, and money. Thank you Mr. Derek.

Griffin Garcia
Nick Isham

We wanted to thank you in writing for the outstanding effort you put in to helping our son, Nick Isham, during the recruiting process. We had no idea how this process really went and you were there to explain it and help us through. Your personal support, guidance and insight into wending our way through his senior year of recruiting to college programs nationwide was invaluable. You were of great value making known all his top-notch skills, accolades and achievements as a high level football prospect. You were instrumental in Nick landing his football scholarship to Louisiana Tech where he has the chance to be a 4-year starter with a spectacular coaching staff. For that we are sincerely grateful. We would recommend you to any family looking for additional guidance during this most exciting and stressful part of high school/college athletics. Thanks again for your excellent work and support.

Mark and Donna Isham
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