Tackling your Recruiting!

  • Over 75,000 Student-Athlete Success Stories since 1982!
  • More than $2.5 Billion in Athletic Scholarships & Financial Aid!
  • 835 Division I, II, III, NAIA and JUCO Football Programs
  • Over 5,800 Registered College Football Coaches!
  • Unmatched Success Rate with Qualified, Verified, Next-Level Prospects! Up to 95% with PrepStar Elite 360 verified prospects.

National Signing Day


Football Recruiting Timeline

Success Stories

Nick Isham

We wanted to thank you in writing for the outstanding effort you put in to helping our son, Nick Isham, during the recruiting process. We had no idea how this process really went and you were there to explain it and help us through. Your personal support, guidance and insight into wending our way through his senior year of recruiting to college programs nationwide was invaluable. You were of great value making known all his top-notch skills, accolades and achievements as a high level football prospect. You were instrumental in Nick landing his football scholarship to Louisiana Tech where he has the chance to be a 4-year starter with a spectacular coaching staff. For that we are sincerely grateful. We would recommend you to any family looking for additional guidance during this most exciting and stressful part of high school/college athletics. Thanks again for your excellent work and support.

Mark and Donna Isham
Cameron Roberson

PrepStar was awesome throughout my entire recruiting process. I wouldn't have been able to fulfill my dream of playing D1 football without all of their help and support. Signing with Notre Dame was the happiest day of my life!

Cameron Roberson
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